Running in the Dark

Run to the Dark Side

New research says there are benefits to running before dawn or after dark--even if you don't have to.
By David Abel

At an hour when lampposts carve shadows over empty streets, skunks stroll through urban parks, and most people are comfortably tucked in, Tom Goulet is out sweating, his muscles burning, the stillness of sleep a distant notion. Nearly every night of the week, around midnight, come rain, snow, or howling winds, the Boston venture capitalist laces up his shoes, tucks a cell phone in a fanny pack, and relaxes to the rhythm of his footfalls. "It's almost as peaceful as sleeping," says Goulet, 49. "It's really beautiful to be out there on your own. It's nice and strange to feel the stillness of the city."

Goulet and his comrades in reflective gear know the risks--unseen potholes, inattentive drivers, black ice, and worse, thugs. Running postsunset or presunrise may not be ideal, but for runners like Goulet, who often works from dawn through dusk, it's the only time to run. And for the athlete who competes at night--whether in a New Year's Resolution Run or an ultra event--training in the dark is a necessity. "When the sun goes down, your sense of balance shifts due to loss of peripheral vision," says elite adventure racer Mona Merrill, 37, who needs to prepare for multiday, round-the-clock competitions. "It's important to train your body to adjust."

For years, runners have been warned to forgo working out too close to bedtime because exercise interferes with sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine advises avoiding strenuous exercise for as long as six hours before hitting the sack. "The idea is to prevent the body from producing endorphins and other stimulants that can disturb sleep or lead you to wake up in the middle of the night," says academy spokeswoman Kathleen McCann. But recent research by Shawn D. Youngstedt, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the department of exercise science at the University of South Carolina, suggests that this is a misleading generalization. In two studies, subjects exercised at a moderately high intensity for one or three hours and had no trouble nodding off a mere half hour later. "Evening exercise doesn't disrupt sleep in most people, and sleep quality can improve following exercise," says Youngstedt.

In fact, Youngstedt says that some athletes may benefit from evening workouts, citing recent research among a group of swimmers whose performance peaked between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. Although the responsible mechanism isn't yet understood, Youngstedt says there are several potential contributing factors. One is body temperature, which tends to be higher later in the day and has been linked to increased strength and reaction time. Another is the release of two hormones important for energy metabolism, cortisol and thyroptopin, which are at their highest levels in the evening. "We all have internally generated body rhythms that dictate when we feel and perform our best," Youngstedt says. "You have to find what works for you."

Merrill, whose nighttime training prepares her for endurance events lasting four to five days, had to experiment to discover her optimal schedule. "If I run hard at night, then I have trouble sleeping," she says. "So my runs in the evening are easy. I call them shake-off runs; they help quiet my mind for sleep. I save speedwork for the morning."

Early Risers

Of course, night running isn't the only kind of dark running. In some parts of the country, the sun rises as late as 8 a.m. between December and February, so early morning runners may clock all their miles before the sky is light. Phillip Pizzo, M.D., the dean of Stanford University's School of Medicine, sets his alarm for 4 a.m. so he can get in an eight-miler before getting to the office around 6:30. Dr. Pizzo has trained for 20-plus marathons--often in the dark--for the past 30 years; November's New York City Marathon is next. "My job does not have much time flexibility, and if I don't run before beginning my work day, I simply am not likely to find any other exercise time," he says. Dr. Pizzo runs on the well-lit and familiar Stanford campus, and to avoid injury he recommends choosing a route based on road visibility ("scenery this time of day is irrelevant") and predictability ("learn where curbs, changes in terrain are"). He runs with two lights, one secured to his head and another to his waist, as well as an illuminated vest to ensure that he can see and be seen. For other safety precautions, see "Light up the Night,

If you have to choose between staying up late to run or setting the alarm for a predawn rise, some experts say you should hit the hay. "At the end of a long day, you're likely to be less coordinated and more prone to falling," says Phyllis Zee, Ph.D., a professor of physiology and director of the Sleep Disorder Center at Northwestern University in Chicago. "Wait to run until your body has an opportunity to rest. Besides, running enhances mood and productivity, so a morning run could help you function during the day." 

Unfortunately, few runners have the luxury of heading out whenever they want to. "When athletes run is usually a function of their life," says running coach Greg McMillan. "The ideal scenario is if your schedule will allow you to train and race at the same time as your body likes to run."

Goulet's lucky that way. With stiff winds blowing off the Charles River, the father of three--whose schedule rarely lets him run before 11 p.m.--lopes toward the lights of the skyline melting into the dark water. "I do my best thinking at this time," he says. "There aren't any distractions."

Light up the Night

They call themselves
Nighthawks, and like the nocturnal birds, they keep a close watch for others prowling through the dark, especially cougars and porcupines. For the past four years, running through the foothills of Mount Baker in Washington state, Dean Taylor and a dozen of his buddies have sidestepped the beady eyes, following only the beam of their headlamps. "We actually delay our runs--the darker the better," he says. Taylor, 52, who runs up to 200 miles at night a year, has discovered other benefits of night-owl running. Taylor says his pace has improved since taking up night running, especially on hill climbs. "I can't see the top, and therefore I don't worry about how much farther I have to go," he says. He also finds that his senses become more finely tuned in the dark. "You are paying more attention to your surroundings and appreciate them." For prospective nighttime runners, Taylor advises:

Ease into it. It takes time to get accustomed to running in darkness, so keep initial outings short. Try a few loops in your neighborhood before you head out for longer runs or venture onto trails.

Follow common sense. Wear reflective apparel. Leave the iPod at home. Carry a cell phone. Let someone know when you're leaving, where you're going, and what time you expect to be back.

"Safety in numbers" applies. A group makes you more visible to approaching vehicles and deters would-be threats. On the trails , running partners can warn you of changes in terrain.

Get used to a headlamp. Just focusing on the circle of light can cause tunnel vision and feelings of nausea. Taylor spreads out his beam and takes his eyes off the light for brief periods.

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