Thursday, 11 October 2012

How to become a morning RUNNER!

If you think that morning runners are miracle workers, think again! Yes, they deserve two thumbs up for ignoring the irresistible temptation of their cozy beds and choosing to hit the streets instead. And yes, we admit that becoming a morning runner is no smooth sailing especially if you are not a morning person at the first place. Still, we bet that after reading this article you will become a passionate Am runner

Let’s get started…

Why would you consider morning running in the first place?

The rewards of morning runs are well worth the effort you initially put into them. Here are some of them:Ensuring that you will stick to your running schedule since no work, family, or any other obligations will ever be needed very early in the day
  • Kicking off your day with a metabolism boost
  • Enjoying optimal weather especially in the summer
  • Feeling energized and uplifted the entire day
  • Running across the streets care-free due to the limited traffic
  • Above all, races take place in the morning. So, if you are not used to morning runs, your race performance could be substantially affected

Now that you fully grasped why morning runs are good for you, Let talk about the “how to do it” part…

Mental and motivational tips for Am running wannabes

Create a compelling reason to do it. For example, if you are training for a marathon, it is a clever idea to include morning runs in your training schedule. With the rush and excitation of the big day, you will have every reason to follow through

  1. Make a commitment that you will run in the morning right before going to bed
  2. Have a clear plan about your morning run including your target distance, pace, and wake up time
  3. Tell your close friend that you decided to run in the morning and ask him to follow up with you
  4. If you are competitive by nature, here is a great tip for you: Remind yourself that if you didn’t do it, others will which translate into them outperforming you
  5. Have a motivational self-talk: “I didn’t sacrifice sleeping early on a Friday night to end up “ditching” this run. I will get up and go in a heartbeat. If others can do it, I can do it”
  6. Be realistic: Anything is hard in the beginning. So, don’t set yourself up for disappointment by deciding to wake up at 4 Am and hit the streets instantly if you haven’t done it before or have gone to bed after midnight! Some runners find it easier to wake up and do some morning activities for an hour or so and start running later

Common sense advises

  1. Lay out your clothes and running gear the night before
  2. Keep your clothes in the bathroom so you have to get up and wear them (Added bonus: your spouse will be happy that your healthy Am running addiction doesn’t translate into disturbing his/her sleep : ) )
  3. Go to bed early (11 pm maximum if you are aiming for a 5 am run)
  4. Do NOT hit snooze when the alarm rings. Even better, keep the arm far enough that you have to get out of bed to turn it off
  5. If you can’t keep your alarm away for fear it would disturb your spouse, here is a great tip: once you turn off the alarm, sit crossing your legs in bed for a minute or so. That’s it, if you can sit, then you can get up. As simple as that!
  6. Find fellow morning runners in your area so you help each other out on this “holy” mission
  7. Here is the best tip of all: don’t put too much thought into the process. Just get up, dress up and off you go. Make it automatic like washing your teeth and don’t second guess it

Funny Tips That WORK like magic!

  • Sleep in your running clothes
  • If your spouse was a morning person, ask him/her to throw cold water in your face if you didn’t wake up on your own
  • Set up 3 different alarms at 3 different times. Caution: this tip is only recommended for singles or those who miss being so : ) )
  • Drink a lot, and I mean a lot, of water before going to bed so that after visiting the bathroom at least 5 time throughout the night, getting up for a morning run will be a piece of cake
  • Here is my favorite tip of all:
  • Hit the snooze button every 5 minutes and do NOT run
  • Prepare to be showered with an avalanche of swear words form your spouse in the morning!
  • Repeat the same disaster for another 2 days
  • On the 3rd day, I bet getting out of bed and running would seem like a better alternative
  • Now I am saving the best for last: Visit right before going to bed for a healthy dose of motivation and inspiration

Final Advises

Definitely your body is not likely not be fully awake in the beginning, especially if you start running right after you woke up. Make sure to get enough warming up right take it easy during your first mile
And hey, enjoy the runner’s high you’ll be sure to experience with the fresh breeze of the morning

We have been there and we can tell you that once you manage to break free from your old habits and become a morning runner, you will feel ecstatic. How would it feel if you are hearing the moaning and groaning your sleepy co-workers when you can proudly say: I ran 5 miles today?

So, did we win our bet with you? Did you decide to become a morning runner after reading this article? We can’t wait to find out : )

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Running and Running History

Running and Running History 

Author: Richard Weil, MEd, CDE

What is running?

Here's the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of running: to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step. That's the key: both feet are in the air at once. During walking, one foot is always on the ground. Jogging is running slowly, and sprinting is running fast. I'll discuss both jogging and running in this article.

What's the history of running?

Human beings started walking and running some 4-6 million years ago when we evolved and rose from all fours. Ten thousand years ago, hunter-gatherers like the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico, ran 15-75 miles a day on the hunt. But it was Pheidippides (490 BC), an ancient "day-runner," who put running on the map. Pheidippides is purported to have run 149 miles to carry the news of the Persian landing at Marathon to Sparta in order to enlist help for the battle. Scholars believe the story of Pheidippides may be a myth (if the Athenians wanted to send an urgent message to Athens, there was no reason why they could not have sent a messenger on horseback), yet the myth had legs (no pun intended) and was the genesis of the modern marathon. It was the first running of the marathon (26 miles 385 yard) in the modern Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens that commemorated Pheidippides' historic run. Throughout the latter part of the 19th century, track and field, including running, took a prominent place in the field of sport. By the late 1800s, children in school were competing in running races. In the 20th century, it was the famous black sprinter Jesse Owens who, in the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, shattered Hitler's dream of proving the superiority of the Aryan race by winning gold medals in the 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash, and the 400-meter relay. More American were spectators of running than they were participants during the era of Jesse Owens, but that has changed in the past 35 years. Runners like George Sheehan, Bill Rodgers, Jeff Galloway, Alberto Salazar, and Grete Waitz (winner of nine NYC marathons from 1978-1988 and inspiration to all women to get out there and run!) promoted running through their athletic success, and now running is solidly a popular activity for exercise as well as for sport.

What are the health benefits of running?

The benefits of vigorous exercise are well described. The American College of Sports Medicine Position Statement on Exercise is a document chock-full of studies proving that vigorous exercise yields plenty of health benefits. One of the major points of the position statement is that there is a dose response to exercise; that is, the more you do, or the harder you do it, the more benefit you accrue. But this point is not to discount moderate exercise. You get plenty of benefit from moderate exercise, it's just that vigorous exercise seems to accrue even more benefit. The ACSM report makes it clear that "many significant health benefits are achieved by going from a sedentary state to a minimal level of physical activity; [but] programs involving higher intensities and/or greater frequency/durations provide additional benefits. For example, it was shown in one study that individuals who ran more than 50 miles per week had significantly greater increases in HDL cholesterol(the good fat) and significantly greater decreases in body fat, triglyceridelevels, and the risk of coronary heart disease than individuals who ran less than 10 miles per week. In addition, the long-distance runners had a nearly 50% reduction in high blood pressure and more than a 50% reduction in the use of medications to lower blood pressure and plasma cholesterol levels."

What are the fitness benefits of running?

Cardiorespiratory fitness (aerobic fitness or "cardio") is the ability of your heart to pump stronger and more efficiently and your muscles to use oxygen more efficiently. As you get more aerobically fit, your heart will pump more blood and oxygen with each beat (this is called "stroke volume") and your muscles will extract (or consume) more oxygen. For instance, if you have 100 oxygen molecules floating around in your bloodstream, a conditioned muscle might consume 75 molecules, whereas a deconditioned muscle might only consume 30, or even fewer than that. In fact, elite distance runners can be as much as three times more efficient at consuming oxygen than sedentary individuals. Running improves your aerobic fitness by increasing the activity of enzymes and hormones that stimulate the muscles and the heart to work more efficiently.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

How Fast Should You Run?

If you really want to improve, you need to break out of the jogging rut.

Written by: Matt Fitzgerald

Most runners are essentially joggers. They do all of their runs at the same, steady, moderate pace. They might go a bit slower on their longest runs than they do on their shortest ones, and a bit faster on their best days than they do on their worst days, but they make no conscious effort to vary the pace of their training.

And that’s fine, as long as it works in relation to your goals and preferences. Specifically, if you enjoy jogging and if improving your race times is not especially important to you, then by all means, keep on jogging. However, if running at the same, steady, moderate pace all the time gets to be a little too monotonous for you, and/or you’re willing to put more effort into improving your performance, then you should incorporate pace variation into your training.

Even the most highly competitive runners jog most of the time. Easy running is great because the more of it you do, the fitter you get, and because it’s not terribly taxing you can do a lot of it. Faster running is more taxing, so it can only be done in small amounts. But a little goes a long way, especially when faster running is layered on top of a high volume of easy running.

Most competitive runners do two faster workouts per week. Some also add a small amount of faster running to a third workout—for example, a few wind sprints at the end of an easy run. This weekly schedule has become standard because it works better than any alternative for the majority of runners. If they do less, they don’t get as fast or race as well; if they do more, they burn out or get injured.

All fast running is not the same. There are a few speeds exceeding the natural jogging pace that competitive runners routinely hit in their training. It’s good to hit them all because each contributes to fitness development in a slightly different way than the others.

What’s often referred to as “tempo” pace is only moderately faster than your natural jogging pace. To find it, start at a jog and imagine shifting one gear up, pushing yourself just a little but remaining comfortable.

The next faster pace is known as threshold pace. This is the fastest pace at which you can remain fully in control of your breathing. At your threshold pace you’re breathing deeply, but not straining to get enough oxygen. For highly trained runners, threshold pace can be sustained for about one hour in race conditions. For beginners, it’s closer to a 30-minute maximum pace.

Faster still is VO2max pace. This is the pace at which you breathe as hard as you can. Actually, it’s the slowest pace at which you breathe as hard as you can. For most of us, it corresponds to the fastest speed we can sustain for six to 10 minutes. It’s very uncomfortable, but you can get used to it. VO2max running is almost always done in interval format. So, instead of going out and running six or seven minutes straight at this pace, at the end of which you’re completely exhausted, you might run 5 x 3:00 at VO2max pace with a 3:00 rest interval of easy jogging after each segment. The rationale here is that you can do a much greater total volume of VO2max pace running if you break it up into intervals than you can if you do one block straight to exhaustion.

Your next gear has no conventional name other than “speed”. It’s really a range of speeds faster than VO2max pace and slower than a full sprint. Runners usually incorporate speed work into their training in the form of intervals ranging between 200 and 400 meters in distance, or between 30 and 80 seconds in duration. For example, Nike coach Alberto Salazar like to have his athletes run 7 x 300 meters with jogging recoveries after each interval.

The fastest training pace is a full sprint—the fastest speed you can sustain for no more than 20 seconds. Even most competitive runners do no real sprinting, but they should, because it’s a terrific power builder and it’s fun.

The title of this article is, “How Fast Should You Run?” Perhaps you've noticed that I still haven’t answered this question. I've made the case for running at a variety of speeds, but what you need to know is exactly how fast you should run your threshold workouts, your VO2max intervals, and so forth.

There are two complementary ways to find the right pace for each workout. The first is to let the workout itself guide you. For example, an appropriate threshold workout for many runners consists of 20 minutes at threshold pace between a jogging warm up and a jogging cool down. Those 20 minutes should feel challenging but not exhausting. Your breathing should be heavy but controlled. If you run this workout using these guidelines and monitor your pace as you go, then whatever pace you wind up running is your current threshold pace. You can then use that numerical information to help guide future threshold efforts. Note that this pace will improve over time as you get fitter.

There are also various systems that prescribe appropriate target paces for individual runners based on their current fitness level. These require that you enter a recent race time or estimated current race performance capacity. They then run a calculation and spit out target paces for various types of workouts. The best workout pace calculators are very reliable, but they should not be treated as gospel. You still need to listen to your body when running appropriately formatted workouts and either speed up from your target pace or slow down as necessary.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Congratulation  to everyone  who  successfully completed the 02 months training.  
The event was more exciting ever we thought, and this is  the moment of satisfaction for me that I can see many of my friends  improve their stamina and run up to 10 km in record time, nonstop, 
Girls were outstanding in the this whole event,, defeated boys in long distance running, 
I will say ,
WELL DONE BOYS AND GIRLS, you all prove your fitness,  wishing you good Luck too,
Now as you can see this is the third and last month,,, we will continue in the same way for 02 days more then we will move up to the final, 

One more Good News Which I Want To Share With Everyone That Many Of  Our Friends  Give Up Smoking and Start Running,,

and they said ,They feel good after running, Running also reduce the stress and craving for smoking,and they find it the easiest way to Give up Smoking, 
Good Luck Guys!  Tell others not only me,
Thanks ,                                       

                              And watch this video if you are feeling lazy  
                                              It will boost up your moral !

Monday, 9 April 2012

Running on the track at Night

Hi, Boys and girls,first of all I want to say thanks to all those friends who join me on the track in the morning (after reading articles  in my blog) I really appreciate your  efforts.It was just the beginning of great fun and joy beside we were  improving our stamina for long running ,I can't answer to all of your e.mail one by one  ,this post is specially design for all of you to know what happens  ,,,,,,, Next,,,,,,,,,,,,Sorry  but my duty (shift timing ) suddenly changed. I will be working in the Night Shift for 90 days and I will be busy  till 08:00am.It is useless to run in the hot summer after Sun rising.I know most of my friends are beginners,but in good health,,here I am presenting this Event for all of you.For all those who want to join me ,I will be them,
and those who feel comfortable after doing some great efforts to jump out of the bed early morning, They are advise to continue their jumping ,ha ha ha ha.I already send the complete details of this Event or if it is necessary I will publish it  here ,,,,, so stay cool lets make this event more useful and enjoyable to prove that nothing cannot stop us ,,,,,,,,,
From RUNNING ,,,,,,,,,          

Friday, 6 April 2012

Motivational Running Quotes

Keep these running quotes in mind when you need a little motivation or inspiration to keep running. And post one on the fridge, your mirror, or your computer for a reminder of why you run.

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. 

It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement." - 

Steve Prefontaine

"I always loved was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." 
-Jesse Owens